tepeo CEO interviewed for ‘Built for Life’ podcast from LifeProven

tepeo CEO interviewed for ‘Built for Life’ podcast from LifeProven

CEO Johan du Plessis was delighted to be interviewed for LifeProven’s excellent ‘Built for Life’ podcast this week. Moving homes away from fossil fuel heating is arguably the greatest challenge to NetZero – particularly in the UK. The technology inside our ZEB...
What happens inside a ZEB’s brain?

What happens inside a ZEB’s brain?

Not all electricity is created equal… some electricity is cheaper than the rest and some electricity is cleaner. The price is a function of various things including how many electricity-consuming things across the network want that bit of electricity at that time...
First domestic trial installation complete!

First domestic trial installation complete!

tepeo is delighted to report that the first ZEB-heated bath has been taken, the first ZEB-heated dishwater has disappeared down the plughole, and the first ZEB-warmed rooms have been snuggled up in… Our mechanical assembler Ben and his lovely partner Lucy are the...
Something positive to celebrate

Something positive to celebrate

Amongst all the awful news around at the moment, there was one good news story this week from the energy sector which gave our team something to hang on to. As of midnight on Wednesday, Britain had gone 2 months without coal generation – another new...
Autodesk Technology Impact Programme Award

Autodesk Technology Impact Programme Award

We’d like to say a huge thank you to Autodesk who have accepted us onto their Technology Impact Program. They have recognised the potential for Tepeo to make an enormous positive environmental and social impact through our technology and given us a hugely generous...